Agricultural Consulting Service


Agricultural consulting. Technical audit. Up-to-date business creation turnkey. Business Consulting Services for agriculture, aquaculture, natural resources, environment, safe energy in industry and home construction...



Казахстан, Узбекистан, Азербайджан, Грузия


Last updated: 2024, September 29

Russian warship, go fuck yourself!!! Russia "a terrorist state"! As long as the russian federation exists, it is a threat and danger to the whole World! The collapse of the russian federation has already begun! Let's help it now!

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Our competitive advantages   Trainings for Agronomists

Technical audit and Due Diligence of companies and business

Projects Management

Why investments in agricultural business is profitable   Policy of Confidentiality

Geography of our projects

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We help you obtain high profit from your business!


We work around the World: Norway, Europe, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ukraine, Iceland, America, the Middle East, Commonwealth Countries, Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Countries, Asia & Pacific

We also work and consult remotely / online!

We provide services that help to increase the success of clients whose business are agriculture, aquaculture, natural resources, environment, safe energy in industry and home construction: those who growing crops, harvesting and produce grain, irrigate lands, create and construct new, providing the ever-growing global demand for food and fuel, construction and infrastructure!

Investment  Projects Agriculture / Farming

Sunflower Book. Dr. Oleksii Orlov

Dr. Oleksii Orlov - about author of Sunflower Book

Independent Consultant Agricultural Business - Agribusiness Consulting

Consulting services for agriculture, aquaculture, natural resources, environment, safe energy in industry and home construction

Agricultural Consulting Services

Premium Agricultural Consulting, Agribusiness Consulting Premium Service

Business planning of agrarian business. Agricultural projects support

Investment projects agriculture, green energy, aquaculture - Investing in Agribusiness and Agriculture

Due Diligence of Agricultural Business

Purchase of Farms and Agricultural Companies

Audit and Consulting of  farmers, agricultural holdings and agricultural enterprises and farmers. Increasing their effectiveness

Monitoring of fields, crops status and yield prognosis

Audit, survey, inspection, monitoring of fields, crops, horticulture and yield forecasting, Agronomy advice

Trust Management

Agriculture and Food Security Advisor, Agriculture advisor services

Consulting of the state, international organizations and private structures - agriculture, food production, food security, agricultural business

Audit of ports and grain terminals, technological audit of grain terminals and elevators and logistic and equipment for storage and processing of grain and other products

Pests Control Advising Service. Integrated Pest Management Service. Fertilisers and Pesticides Management

Independent Selection and Management of agricultural machinery, Optimization of the use of equipment and machines, Field works quality control and audit services

Audit of greenhouses and modern greenhouse complexes, consulting, projects, analytics Agricultural Consulting

Energy farms - renewable energy sources in agricultural business and aquaculture

Management courses, management - online, agribusiness, agriculture, food production, sales, increased security, efficiency of the agricultural business

Distance education of agronomists and training of agronomy and modern agricultural business

Agronomic support and Services

Trainings of agronomists and sales managers in agriculture and agricultural machinery

Global projects. Creation and management of global projects

Non standard approach to projects. Innovative and large scale projects Agricultural Consulting Service

Audit, check and control, monitoring of a condition of crops and fields, forecasts of crops productivity and yield, agronomy advice and consultations

Marketing research Markets research Development of strategies and promotional materials agribusiness agriculture food

Investing in Aquaculture

Investing in Green Energy Projects

Increasing the market price of enterprises, agricultural holdings

Modern innovative farms and agricultural holdings creation turnkey - will create for you - to be the best is always a pleasure

Creating a multinational business

The implementation of major agricultural projects until payback

Audit and Consulting of  farmers, agricultural holdings and agricultural enterprises and farmers. Increasing their effectiveness

Standard full technology audit of agricultural business (agricultural holdings / agricultural companies) - description

The most modern and Europe's largest greenhouses complex - our audit

Environmental audit of agribusiness

Energy Efficiency Audit

Improving the energy efficiency of farmers, agricultural enterprises, aquaculture, food production and industry

Analysis of the technical and economic status of agricultural firms, holding companies, agricultural companies

The fight against theft in agricultural holdings - systemic approach

Revision, checking (monitoring) of holdings, agricultural companies and farms, agricultural firms and their activities

Audit, inspection, monitoring of crop conditions, prognosis of crops yield

The audit, monitoring the general state of the business, stock balance, biological assets, equipment and resources

Remote control of resources (equipment, seeds, post-harvest and humidity)

Analysis of soil and plants

Trust management Ukraine, Australia, Canada, Norway and other countries - by business, industrial enterprises, agroholdings, agrarian business and aquaculture

Service for the creation and support of CTF and precision farming systems

Service of Strip Till creation, implementation and agronomy support

Services of precision farming projects, agricultural control systems and innovative technologies in agribusiness and aquaculture

Expert agriculture, agricultural business, food production, food security

Services for creation of modern industrial horticulture, increasing the efficiency of horticulture, turnkey horticulture projects, Consulting Service horticulture

Indoor farming Project Management and Consulting - growing food without sunlight and soil

Why is the paid independent consulting in agribusiness and food production from Agricultural Consulting very beneficial?

Professional Agronomist Services and Works

Agribusiness Consulting

Review and Due Diligence of project - Analysis and assessment of the reliability of project

Agronomist Services ONLINE and field visits, services of a professional agronomist

Agricultural holding management, agricultural holding management services

Agricultural Holding Companies of Ukraine - Rating of Agricultural Holding Companies of Ukraine 2021-2022

The expert voiced the Ukrainian strategy for Food Security. Modern technologies without alternative

Why do peppers withering and die in the greenhouse?

Is it possible to sowing, planting wheat after wheat?

Seeding rate, plant density per hectare, sowing unit of sunflower

Sunflower yield per acre, sunflower yield per hectare yield, estimating sunflower yield, agronomy advice and consultations

Is it possible to sow wheat in February, late autumn and winter? Benefits of facultative wheat varieties from Strube and growing of facultative wheat varieties WeW®

How to make sugar beet growing profitable?

Secrets of sunflower growing and modern sunflower hybrids from Strube

Roundup Herbicide Applications in Soybean, when spraying soybeans of Roundup?

Climate change and Precision Agriculture

Climate Change and Industrial Poultry

Crop management - how to prepare agribusiness for global climate change

Global Climate Change - How Agribusiness Prepare for Such Changes

Fertilizers in time of sowing winter wheat. Is it need nitrogen fertilizers with sowing winter wheat?

Snow retention and trapping in agriculture

Sell high-quality peach paste peach puree peach concentrate peach juice concentrate with pulp of our own production

Sell Frozen Diced Peaches, IQF Peaches Dices, Frozen Diced Peach, Sell high-quality frozen peach dices of our own production

What is soil erosion - Soil erosion causes, types, harm, prevention methods

Phytotoxicity of herbicides

Global trends in sunflower production

How to trap snow and keep water in cold climate agricultural regions?

Fertilizers spreading by frozen soil? Modern science and economics says - definitely NO!

Sunflower seeds storage

Agriculture consulting

Agriculture strategy consulting

Agriculture management consulting services

Premium Agricultural Consulting with strong and positive reputation

Indoor farming and greenhouses independent consulting service

Horticulture Consulting

What is yield in agriculture and aquaculture?

UAN and Liquid Fertilizers in Spring – Risk Reduction and Additional Profit

Technology of growing technical cannabis, growing hemp for seeds

Agriculture of Kazakhstan

Fertilizer application methods

Top biggest farms in the World rating


Plant stress theory


Blacklist of companies of debtors, defaulters - be careful Berry Commerce


See also


of completed projects


Photo © Dr. Oleksii Orlov

Agriculture Consulting

Increasing of profitability and efficiency!

Photo © Dr. Oleksii Orlov

Agribusiness and Management Trainings

Transfer of knowledge and technology in the field of agricultural business!

Main directions of our Consulting Service:

Aquaculture Consulting




Improving efficiency and simplifying work, reducing risks, reducing time costs and increasing profitability



Our services for:

  • farmers, agricultural companies and holdings and for agribusiness

  • industrial enterprises, traders and exporters

  • investors, financial institutions, banks and insurance companies

  • those who want to buy of agricultural enterprise or invest in agriculture and food production or create their own profitable and effective agricultural business

  • international seed and chemical companies, manufacturers of agricultural machinery

  • distributors of agrochemistry, plant protection products, seeds, fertilizers, agricultural machines and other resources

  • government agencies, international organizations and individuals

  • others that interested


Crops production and food production


Our services (some possible online too):


Photo © Dr. Oleksii Orlov

Grain terminals, ports, logistics and processing industry



Horticulture and orchards and agricultural Project Management, services for creating a modern industrial horticulture, improving the efficiency of horticulture



Foreign projects


Modern innovative greenhouses and vegetables production


  • independent enterprises inventory monitoring and audit

  • products quality control from the field to the buyer

  • sudden audit of the enterprise

  • increase of market capitalization of companies and holdings

  • how and where to invest for order to get higher profits or increase the market value of enterprises

  • improvement of the enterprise management and management system

  • Farm Management

  • Financial Management

  • Risk Management


Modern innovative technologies in aquaculture, agriculture and food production


  • cash flow schedule calculation

  • technological updating and improvement of production technologies

  • agronomic support and consulting - how to get a bigger yield and better additional profit

  • full technical and agronomic support of the enterprise

  • what type of business will be more profitable

  • crops management and increasing the profitability of their production

  • the right selection of agricultural equipment and machinery - what will be better in your conditions

  • agricultural machinery management

  • energy efficiency audit

  • energy efficiency improvement (technologies and machinery, use of green energy)

  • Green Energy

  • diseases, pests and weeds management, diagnostics and monitoring

  • search for technological and managerial points - those places where money are lost and creation of recommendations for how to eliminate them and increase business efficiency


Production of environmentally friendly and safe food



Farms of future



Industry, energy, terminals and ports



Success stories. Completed projects of Agricultural Consulting Service










Photo © Dr. Oleksii Orlov



Photo © Dr. Oleksii Orlov


Contact us for consulting and creation of profitable projects!


We guarantee the best quality of services!


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Photo © Dr. Oleksii Orlov



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© Agricultural Consulting Service. Agricultural consulting. Technical audit. Up-to-date business creation turnkey. Business Consulting Consulting Services for agriculture, aquaculture, natural resources, environment, safe energy in industry and home construction...