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Russian warship, go fuck yourself!!! Russia "a terrorist state"! As long as the russian federation exists, it is a threat and danger to the whole World! The collapse of the russian federation has already begun! Let's help it now! Glory to Ukraine!!! Sláva Ukrayíni!!!

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Last updated: 2023, July 31



Service of Strip Till creation, implementation and agronomy support


Creation and implementation of Strip-Till farming systems in combination with CTF and precision farming systems for modern agricultural business




To explain it simply, Strip-Till is not only processing the entire field, but only prepare soil by separate strips, which makes it possible not only to save significant money, since a smaller part of the field is cultivated and resources are spent less, but also gives a high additional profit, since moisture stays in the soil more and significantly improves the quality of the soil




  • The transition to the Strip-Till farming system leads to significant additional profit for those who correctly create it in their own farm or agricultural enterprise or in an agricultural holding

  • Strip-Till farming system gives the greatest effect when combined with CTF






In the photo: Strip-Till sowing, May 2017. Using a 24-row row seeder, directly into the rye cover crop, with rolling the cover crop. The technology of using cover crops involves the artificial creation of a layer of plant residues on the field surface





Seeder for sowing cover crops in stubble




Recently, agricultural enterprises and farmers have greatly increased their interest in using No-Till and Strip-Till technologies for growing sunflower, sorghum, corn and soybeans, especially if these crops alternate in crop rotation. When using Strip-Till soil protection technology in modern agriculture, cover crops are used, the sowing of which gives many advantages:

  • crop production risks are reduced

  • soil fertility improves

  • and yields increase


Particularly relevant is the use of Strip-Till and cover crops in the case of using straw and crop residues from the main crop for energy purposes.










The main advantages of using Strip-Till in modern agricultural production:

  • More water in soil - water it is money

  • Yields increase

  • Lower tillage costs

  • Lower overall costs and business management costs including

  • Combining the benefits of No-Till with a classic tillage system

  • Erosion reduction

  • Improving soil quality by increasing:

  • porosity (decrease in compaction)

  • soil organic matter - significant increase in humus content

  • water holding capacity

  • the number and species composition of beneficial microbes

  • numbers of micro and macro invertebrates


  • Preservation of nutrients that would otherwise be lost

  • Increase in nitrogen content due to fixation of nitrogen from the air (cover crops)

  • Weeds reduction

  • Reducing the number of nematodes in the soil (when using special cover crops)

  • Interruption of development cycles of various diseases, reduction in the number of plant diseases

  • In winter time the straw will give possibility for better safing of winter crops - the chance to successfully pass the winter will be higher



Strip-Till sowing of spring rape (video ©Robin A)







Contact us for consulting and creation of profitable Strip-Till projects!


We guarantee the best quality of services!


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© Agricultural Consulting Service. Technical audit of agribusiness. Agricultural business projects and agricultural companies turnkey. Consulting services for agriculture, aquaculture, natural resources, environment, safe energy in industry and home construction. Increasing the profitability of business, obtaining additional profits