Agricultural Consulting Service


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Last updated: 2024, May 24



At "VFK" successfully passed a training on the basics of farming and modern technologies of growing grain and oilseeds from "Agricultural Consulting"



The last weekends for the managers of Volyn Fund Company was fruitful and productive, as well as rich new impressions and knowledge. And all because at the initiative of the company's management an interesting training was held devoted to modern technologies of growing grain and oilseeds with the basics of agriculture, which was conducted by a well-known international specialist in the field of innovative agribusiness and one of the best specialists in the field of agrarian production management, candidate of agricultural sciences Dr. Oleksii Orlov.



The main goal of this training was to familiarize the managers of the Volyn Fund Company with the main trends of modern technologies of growing crops, as well as the basics of farming to improve their skills and better understanding of the problems of agribusiness, which will allow us to work harder and more effectively to meet the needs of our customers.



The training program was rich and interesting, in particular, such topics as agroclimatic zoning of crops, peculiarities of plant growth and development, peculiarities of farming in various soil and climatic zones, the main factors of high yield, and also the technology of growing various crops.




The training lasted 2 days, each of which ended with fruitful discussions. At the end of the training, testing was conducted, which all those present successfully coped and accordingly, received certificates.



Thanks to the management of the company for the opportunity to grow and develop, to deepen knowledges and improve qualifications!



The article was published on the website of Volyn Fund Company on May 4, 2018







Presentation: Education and Trainings of Agronomists and Farmers Agricultural Consulting







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