Agricultural Consulting Service

Agricultural consulting. Technical audit. Up-to-date business creation turnkey. Business Consulting Consulting Services for agriculture, aquaculture, natural resources, environment, safe energy in industry and home construction


Казахстан, Узбекистан, Азербайджан, Грузия

Russian warship, go fuck yourself!!! Russia "a terrorist state"! As long as the russian federation exists, it is a threat and danger to the whole World! The collapse of the russian federation has already begun! Let's help it now! Glory to Ukraine!!!

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Last updated: 2024, May 24



Management courses, management - online, agribusiness, agriculture, food production



Management courses, management and marketing - online, agribusiness, agriculture, food production, sales, increased security, efficiency of the agricultural business and reduced risks and management time.

These are expensive and highly effective courses for those who have already achieved certain results, but want to achieve even more ...

Online Management Courses - Study From Home 24/7!

Photo © Dr. Oleksii Orlov

We offer modern management courses. Management courses can be conducted in groups and or individually. Distance (online) or in the classes. We guarantee the highest quality of international level.


Photo © Dr. Oleksii Orlov

Effective agribusiness management allows you not only to get high additional profit, but also to increase the efficiency of the entire business! The photo shows our work in Georgia. Contact us already now for training in effective management!


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We also offer the creation of individual exclusive courses and coaching for top managers and top managers, as well as for owners of agricultural companies and farmers.




Our school of leadership is for those who want to learn how to effectively manage modern innovative business or improve their skills!



Courses can be held on the following topics:

  • Management

  • Risk management

  • Strategic risk management

  • Countering Climate Change in Agriculture and Agribusiness

  • Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

  • Business Planning - Simple and effective business planning

  • Marketing

  • Food security

  • Project Management

  • Financial planning and cash flow

  • Safety

  • Sustainable business development

  • The use of modern technology in business and rural and in food production

  • Agrarian Logistics and Infrastructure

  • Management of agrarian enterprise and agricultural holding company

  • Successful management of agricultural holdings

  • Management of a modern port / export terminal

  • Economical geography

  • How to make effective business decisions

  • How to keep business at a high level

  • Just improving time management and labour efficiency

  • Efficient investment in technical support

  • Budgeting, profit and budget losses

  • The future of animal husbandry and crop production

  • Genetically modified cultures, creation, future and application

  • Food, energy and the future of agriculture

  • Aquaculture, aquaculture management

  • Green energy

  • Investments in equipment and production costs

  • Family and Agribusiness

  • Business management - modelling

  • Agribusiness Management - Safety and Health

  • Sustainable development of agribusiness, main trends

  • Management of profitable agricultural business

  • Etc.


Photo © Dr. Oleksii Orlov

Management courses allow you to achieve certain positive personal goals for those who are interested in obtaining modern knowledge:

  • how can you effectively manage your business

  • career successes

  • increase of prestige and image

  • additional profit increase revenue

  • the opportunity to become number 1 and the leader

  • improving business security

  • time saving

  • increase competitiveness

  • and so on


Online Management Courses - Study From Home 24/7!


Contact us for Education!


We guarantee the best quality of services!


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© Agricultural Consulting Service. Technical audit of agribusiness. Agricultural business projects and agricultural companies turnkey. Consulting services for agriculture, aquaculture, natural resources, environment, safe energy in industry and home construction. Increasing the profitability of business, obtaining additional profits