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Last updated: 2018, October 15
Wheat 2016-2017 online
in Ukraine. (this project now closed)
2017, April 21 Dr. Oleksii Orlov
This article describes the current situation of winter wheat in Ukraine in the period of 2016 - 2017. Online 2016-2017 wheat crop Ukraine
This article will be updated regularly. As we will keep track of the dynamics of the wheat crop development and the dynamics of the wheat crop in Ukraine and will continuously add new materials online
Dr. Oleksii Orlov CEO of Agricultural Business
Winter wheat crop in Ukraine 2016-2017 online
Features of winter wheat sowing (planting) season in Ukraine 2016
24 of April 2017 the situation of wheat in Ukraine: most winter wheat fields are in the end of tillering-tubing. The condition of wheat crops is good for most good farmers.
Photo. Condition of winter wheat crops in Cherkasy Region, April 24, 2017. Winter wheat in the tubing phase and wheat is good (Photo ©Dr. Oleksii Orlov, photo of April 24, 2017, Cherkasy Region, Ukraine)
18 of Aprill 2017 the situation of wheat in Ukraine: most wheats field are in the end of tillering-tubing phase. In some regions snow fell (Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye). In other regions - the temperature at night has greatly decreased - to -2-5 ° C. This decrease in temperature and snow, will not significantly affect the yield of winter wheat
20 of Febryary 2017 the situation of wheat in Ukraine: in most fields in Ukraine there is no snow cover and most of the winter wheat resumed vegetation after winter. Thus, we can ascertain the fact that winter crops as a whole have wintered well
========================================================================= 20 of January 2017 the situation of wheat in Ukraine: despite the extreme cold wether, winter wheat plants in good condition. In most regions, that farmers growing 2017 yield of winter wheat, there is the minimum required snow cover protecting crops. But in some regions of Ukraine, the snow cover is minimum or absent, which can lead to death of winter crops in these regions
Photo 17. Condition of winter wheat crops in Gorodnyansky District of Chernigov Region, January 20, 2017. Snow cover 2-5 cm. In some plates of the field there is no snow cover. Winter wheat in the beginning phase of tillering (Photo ©Dr. Oleksii Orlov, photo of January 20, 2017, Gorodnyansky Disrtict, Chernigov Region, Ukraine)
Photo 16. Winter wheat in Chernihiv District, Chernihiv Region of Ukraine, 20 January 2017. Snow cover is 5-8 cm. Winter wheat in good tillering phase and entered in the winter normally tillered. Visually it is clear that under the snow plants live because are green (photo ©Dr. Oleksii Orlov, January 20, 2017, Chernihiv district of Chernihiv region of Ukraine)
========================================================================= 3 of January 2017 the situation of wheat in Ukraine: winter wheat fields in good condition. Since the beginning of winter and up to the present time in Ukraine - not observed such adverse weather conditions that could damage the winter crops, including winter wheat crop. Most winter wheat growing regions, there is a minimum snow cover required that protecting plants
15 of December 2016 the situation of wheat in Ukraine: winter wheat condition is normal in Ukraine. Although in some places at few days the temperature less to -14-17 ° C (in Sumy region and some other northern and eastern regions of Ukraine). Now frost did not affect negatively the condition of wheat fields in Ukraine as the snow is present everywhere (in some places it was quite a small amount of snow but enough for wheat living)
Photo 15. Winter wheat in Poltava region 15 December 2016. The snow cover - 2-5 cm. Winter wheat in the beginning phase of tillering. At this field before wheat was soybeans (photo ©Dr. Oleksii Orlov, December 15, 2016, Poltava region of Ukraine)
Photo 14. Wheat field in Kobelyaky district, Poltava region of Ukraine at 15 December 2016. The small farmer field. Snow cover - 1 cm. Winter wheat in the beginning phase of tillering (Photo ©Dr. Oleksii Orlov, December 15, 2016, Kobelyaky district, Poltava region, Ukraine)
Photo 13. Winter wheat plants in Kozelshchyna district of Poltava region at December 15, 2016. At this field before was soybeans. Snow cover - 1 cm. Winter wheat in the beginning phase of tillering (Photo ©Dr. Oleksii Orlov, December 15, 2016, Kozelshchyna district, Poltava region, Ukraine)
========================================================================= 13 of December 2016 the situation of wheat fields in Ukraine: the condition of winter crops at this point in time is normal. The snow cover is small. Monitoring the fields with winter wheat, it confirms the fact that the majority of the winter wheat crop in Ukraine went into the winter in phase of shoots - the beginning of tillering, depending on the level of in-time of farming technologies in agricultural holdings or in farmers and climatic conditions in the sowing period in different regions of Ukraine
Photo 12. Wheat in the region Dikanka district of Poltava region on 13 December 2016. The snow cover - 7-8 cm. Winter wheat in the beginning phase of tillering. In Poltava region most of the fields are in similar or slightly better condition - wheat entered the winter in the beginning phase of tillering (Photo ©Dr. Oleksii Orlov, December 13, 2016, Dikansky district, Poltava region, Ukraine)
10 of December 2016 the situation of wheat in Ukraine: thaw and rains led to the fact that in most of the fields went snow (with the exception of Sumy region of Ukraine, North of Poltava region and some other Northern and Eastern regions of Ukraine). This date is coming of creation of ice crust and the onset of other adverse events affecting the wintering of winter crops. In general the condition of winter crops at a given time normal in Ukraine
========================================================================= 8 of December 2016 the situation of wheat in Ukraine: most of the fields are covered with snow. Temperature -5-10 °C and the snow cover allows you to store the wheat crop in a normal state
Photo 11. 2017 wheat crops in Khmelnitsky region of Ukraine on 8 December 2016. Winter wheat in a weak state - the phase of germination. It field putting in winter no tillered plants. In Khmelnytsky region of Ukraine most of the fields are in the best condition - wheat now in the beginning of tillering phase (Photo ©Dr. Oleksii Orlov, December 8, 2016, Dunaevetsky region, Khmelnytsky region, Ukraine)
========================================================================= 29 of November 2016 the situation of wheat in Ukraine: the majority of the winter wheat fields in Ukraine has entered in 2017 winter and grows of plants and plants vegetation has ceased. Ground the frozen in the vast most regions of Ukraine. Condition of winter crops (rape, wheat, rye) is normal. Due to the lack of rains in the sowing (planting) period - most of the fields with winter wheat included in the winter in the early stages of plant development or early phase of plant tillering
Photo 10. Situation of 2017 wheat crops fields in Chernivtsi region of Ukraine. This winter wheat field is in satisfactory condition. It is also income to the winter in not bad phase. Predecessor crop was corn. Date of sowing winter wheat in this field - the end of September - beginning of October 2016. In the Chernivtsi region in September there was no rains and most farmers sowing wheat seeds in dry soil. Rains went only in October (photo ©Dr. Oleksii Orlov, November 29, 2016, Kitsman district, Chernivtsi region, Ukraine)
Photo 9. Big field of winter wheat in Zastavnitskij district of Chernivtsi region of Ukraine. It is a good field with Ukrainian wheat. The upper layer of the frozen soil (chilled over the last few days before that was not frozen). Temperature -3 ° C. Winter wheat is in satisfactory condition. Winter wheat come in winter is not full tillered. But this field is good but plants here covering plate of field good and uniform. Date of sowing winter wheat - October 2016 because there was no rain in September (September it is optimal time of planting winer wheat in Ukraine) . Rains went in October (photo ©Dr. Oleksii Orlov, November 29, 2016, Zastavnitsky district of Chernivtsi region, Ukraine)
========================================================================= 24 of November 2016 the situation of wheat in Ukraine: Most winter wheat fields have already stopped growing season, and went into the winter. Condition of winter crops is normal. Only in Transcarpathia the vegetation of winter wheat continues in connection with temperature from 0 to + 5 °C
Photo 8. End of November 2016 - winter wheat in Ukraine, Kirovograd region. Winter wheat in the phase of germination, the predecessor - soybeans (photo ©Dr. Oleksii Orlov, November 24, 2016, Kirovograd region, Ukraine)
========================================================================= 22 of November 2016 the situation of wheat in Ukraine: in most regions of Ukraine winter wheat has already stopped growing season, and went into the winter. The presence of the green color of wheat plants indicating that in the plants are still ongoing physiological processes. The ground everywhere have the frozen and temperature in the daytime from +1 to -5 °C. On November 22, 2016 only in Transcarpathia lasts autumn vegetation of wheat due to the positive temperature (night + 2-3 °C, the day + 12-15 °C)
Photo 7. Ukrainian wheat in Chernihiv region of Ukraine. Winter wheat field is in good condition. From beginning of this winter in a good phase and normal tillered. Winter wheat planting (sowing) date is 9 September 2016. This farming experience shows that with the right approach to the wheat cultivation technology, you can get very good results in drought climate conditions (Photo ©Dr. Oleksii Orlov, November 22, 2016, Kozelets district, Chernihiv region, Ukraine)
Photo 6. Winter wheat field in Northern part of Ukraine - many fields with wheat and most of these have already entered the winter phase (Photo ©Dr. Oleksii Orlov, November 22, 2016, Kozelets district, Chernihiv region, Ukraine)
========================================================================= 17 of November 2016 the situation of wheat in Ukraine: in most regions of Ukraine (Central Ukraine, Eastern and Southern Ukraine, Western Ukraine), winter wheat has already stopped growing season, in connection with the establishment of a stable snow cover and cold weather in -1-5 ° C, with the exception of Transcarpathia. In Transcarpathia, winter wheat and winter rye vegetation contributes to the warm rain and daytime temperatures in the + 5-15 ° C. In general, this date can be considered the date of entry into the winter the absolute majority of the winter wheat fields in Ukraine, including winter wheat, located in the southern regions of Ukraine. On 17 november 2016 - the majority of the winter wheat fields in Ukraine went into the winter in a state from germination to the beginning of tillering. Many fields are weak and uneven germination, which was caused by a lack of moisture during the planting (sowing) of winter wheat. But despite this, many farmers who have good understanding of winter wheat cultivation technology in a dry climate, got friendly shoots of winter wheat and plants which went into winter tillered normal, albeit in a non-optimal phase
========================================================================= 13 of November2016 the situation of wheat in Ukraine: in most regions of Ukraine, winter wheat has already stopped growing season. In Ukraine was coming of a stable snow cover and cold weather in -4-5 ° C, with the exception of some areas in Eastern and Southern Ukraine and Transcarpathia. There, with a daytime temperature of up to + 15 ° C, continuing the vegetation of winter crops (winter wheat, winter rye). In most regions of Ukraine all winter wheat fields entered the winter in a weakened state. Most of the winter wheat fields in Ukraine went into the winter in a state of germination - early tillering
========================================================================= 25 of October 2016 the situation of wheat in Ukraine: where farming technology is well-respected, even after late harvested traditionally precursors (eg, after maize), wheat normal seedlings were obtained. Of course these fields will be input in the winter in sub-optimal phase
Photo 5. Winter wheat field development in the Poltava region. Predecessor - corn. Even after such a precursor as maize it is possible to getting good wheat seedlings. One of the main requirements for winter wheat planting - a uniformity of germination (photo ©Dr. Oleksii Orlov, October 25, 2016, Kozelshchyna district, Poltava region, Ukraine)
========================================================================= 24 of October 2016 the situation of wheat in Ukraine: большинство хороших ферм и агрохолдингов уже посеяли озимую пшеницу. На большей части посевов озимой пшеницы, растения находятся на начальных этапах развития или в состоянии всходов. Но есть исключения из правил - кто правильно посеял озимую пшеницу, те имеют нормально развитые растения, которые входят в зиму в оптимальной фазе развития
Photo 4. Winter wheat field in Poltava region. Predecessor - barley. Plants are not well developed for this time of year. But this is one of the best fields with winter wheat in the Poltava region (photo ©Dr. Oleksii Orlov, October 24, 2016, Kozelshchyna district, Poltava region, Ukraine)
Photo 3. Field of winter wheat in Poltava region. Predecessor - soy. Shoots uniform. Due to the lack of moisture, many farmers have not planted winter wheat this year. Those fields that are planted in a state of emergence. Many of the fields went up unevenly (photo ©Dr. Oleksii Orlov, October 24, 2016, Kozelshchyna district, Poltava region, Ukraine)
========================================================================= 12 of October 2016 the situation of wheat in Ukraine: most farmers have already sown winter wheat. Those farmers who correctly using in time of winter wheat cultivation technology was friendly and uniform germination
Photo 2. Winter wheat in Kharkiv region. Predecessor - barley. Despite the lack of moisture during the planting of winter wheat, many farmers have a very good field with uniform shoots (photo ©Dr. Oleksii Orlov, October 12, 2016, Volchanskiy district, Kharkiv region, Ukraine)
========================================================================= 7 of September 2016 the situation of wheat in Ukraine: some farmers have already sown winter wheat. But the majority of farmers in phase of "waiting for rain." Those good farmers who do not "wait for the rain," and observe the correct winter wheat growing technology, get good germination and uniform wheat plants
Photo 1. Winter wheat fields after 7 days from planting in the Sumy region. Predecessor - barley. Good germination in drought conditions. This is a good example - wheat plants in this field came up very evenly, despite the lack of moisture (photo ©Dr. Oleksii Orlov, September 7, 2016, Krasnopolskiy district, Sumy region, Ukraine)
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